scomo shamed into returning to burning Oz., page-313

  1. 34,237 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 890
    I thought a few other things brought down Gough, like the Loans Affair, Lionel Murphy's oddball laws, he never controlled the Senate, got up to mischievous issues with the Gair affair, Cairns sacking, the economy was trashed, I remember it because I was there and his reputation was already poor by the time of Tracy and Tracy affected Darwin not a major metropolitan capital like Sydney and of course Adelaide.

    I think the impact on Sydney and environs will make the impact on Morrison's reputation irreparable, he is probably already finished as a politician, I cannot see how he can live this down, it will be like Quayle's potatoe moment, Gorton's Gotto moment, George Bush Snr's no new taxes, Australians will have turned off listening.

    Morrison might be able to reduce his salary by about $100K, have a great economy but I think the left wing media will now be on his back and will not let go out of him. I think anyone to the center or center-right of the ailing left wing scandal ridden ALP, must now face facts and the fact is Morrison is finished as Prime Minister. Time to get ready for the next one.
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