ScoMoh's 'Rasputin' -Four Corners?

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    Scott Morrison might not be a QAnon nutter but he is a fraudster

    Scott Morrison’s links to QAnon have been on the internet for a couple of years and don’t go much past his and his wife’s close friendship with Tim Stewart and wife Lynelle Stewart and Tim Stewart being suspended from using Twitter after he posted numerous QAnon type messages on Twitter. Although there is a very strange incident in parliament on the 22nd of October 2018 when Morrison used the words “ritual sexual abuse” when making a national apology to victims and survivors of institutional child sexual abuse.
    The words “ritual sexual abuse” is not commonly used by institutional child sexual abuse survivors and Tim Stewart bragged about his ability to influence Scott Morrison and took credit for Morrison using the words “ritual abuse” in his speech.
    The story has not gained major traction except for a few articles by smaller media players but it is now a substantial story by the fact that Four Corners were stopped by the ABC’s managing director from broadcasting a show on the story last Monday (7/6/21). It now seems likely the Four Corners story will be aired in the near future so it’s worth looking at some of the key elements that have already been published.
    Below is the part of Scott Morrison’s 2018 speech where he uses the term “ritual sexual abuse”:

    On the 5th of October 2019 The Guardian published an article titled “Revealed: the QAnon conspiracy theorist who is friends with Australian PM Scott Morrison” which started off:
    A significant Australian proponent of the QAnon conspiracy theory is a family friend of Scott Morrison, and his wife is on the prime minister’s staff.
    The sprawling, disjointed and incoherent QAnon conspiracy variously claims that Donald Trump is leading a behind-the-scenes fight against a shadowy deep state, that powerful forces are hiding and protecting satanic paedophile rings, and that a secretive individual named Q leaves clues for his followers to decipher on internet forums.
    The FBI has previously warned that QAnon could act as a potential motivator for “domestic extremists” and last year Reddit banned one of its main QAnon threads for repeated violations of its content policy, warning it would not tolerate content “that incites violence, disseminates personal information, or harasses” users.
    In Australia, one of the more significant QAnon figures tweets under the handle @BurnedSpy34 and has amassed 21,000 Twitter followers in just over a year. BurnedSpy tweets daily QAnon material, including bizarre theories about Alexander Downer and Julie Bishop.
    The Guardian has learned the identity of BurnedSpy and established he is a longstanding family friend of the Australian prime minister and his wife, Jenny. The wife of BurnedSpy works on the prime minister’s staff. (Click here to read more)
    On the 14th of October 2019, Youtuber Friendly Jordies posted a video on the story. (Click here to watch)
    On the 31st of October 2019 and the 18th of November 2019, online website Crikey started writing about the matter:
    A friend of Scott Morrison, who is also a promoter of the far-right QAnon conspiracy that contends a cabal of Satan-worshiping paedophiles rule the world, has made extensive claims online and to others about his influence over the PM. (Click here to read more)
    When Prime Minister Scott Morrison used the controversial words “ritual sexual abuse” — the language of an extreme alt-right conspiracy — in his historic apology to survivors in federal parliament last year, he appears to have disregarded the advice of child sex abuse survivors and a panel of government-appointed experts.
    Documents obtained by Inq, as well as interviews we’ve conducted with key players, show that the prime minister departed from a tightly choreographed set of actions and words, several months in the planning, when he used the term “ritual sex abuse” to refer to the institutional sex abuse uncovered by the McClellan royal commission.
    The term normally refers to satanic ritual abuse, an extremely rare practice for which there is little evidence. Inq has previously revealed that Morrison family friend and leading Australian promoter of the extremist US-based QAnon conspiracy movement, Tim Stewart, had been pushing for the words “ritual abuse” to be included in the prime minister’s speech, as part of QAnon’s agenda to expose Luciferian or Satan-worshipping paedophiles who they believe secretly run the world.  (Click here to read more)
    In January 2021 Crikey wrote:
    The prime minister’s wife Jenny Morrison is best friends with Lynelle Stewart, whose husband Tim Stewart is a highly visible QAnon proponent in Australia. The Stewarts’ son Jesse, 22, is also a fervent QAnon backer. At the same time Lynelle Stewart has been on the government payroll, drawing a salary as an assistant to Jenny Morrison. In days gone by the families have mixed freely together. (Click here to read more)
    Extract from Morrison’s 2018 speech:
    Elsewhere in this building and around Australia, there are others who are silently watching and listening to these proceedings, men and women who have never told a soul what has happened to them. To these men and women I say this apology is for you too.
    And later when the speeches are over, we will stand in silence and remember the victims who are not with us anymore, many too sadly by their own hand. As a nation, we failed them, we forsook them. That will always be our shame. This apology is for them and their families too.
    As one survivor recently said to me, “It wasn’t a foreign enemy who did this to us – this was done by Australians.” To Australians. Enemies in our midst. Enemies. In. Our. Midst. The enemies of innocence.
    Look up at the galleries, look at the Great Hall, look outside this place and you will see men and women from every walk of life, from every generation, and every part of our land. Crushed, abused, discarded and forgotten.
    The crimes of ritual sexual abuse happened in schools, churches, youth groups, scout troops, orphanages, foster homes, sporting clubs, group homes, charities, and in family homes as well.
    It happened anywhere a predator thought they could get away with it, and the systems within these organisations allowed it to happen and turned a blind eye. It happened day after day, week after week, month after month, and decade after decade. Unrelenting torment. When a child spoke up, they weren’t believed and the crimes continued with impunity. (Click here to read more)
    The Scott Morrison story about his links to QAnon is a valid story as it is potentially a national security issue but without more evidence, then there are bigger stories that Four Corners and other media have missed on Scott Morrison that deserve to be given more exposure. For example, Scott Morrison and his wife supporting Brian Houston, who has been under investigation by the NSW police for 5 years, for concealing his father’s sexual abuse of children. (Click here to read more)
    If the Four Corners show does go to air, I will watch it but unless it has more information than has been already been reported it will be a fizzer, but it might be an eye-opener for others who have not been following the story over the last couple of years.

    Scott Morrison might not be a QAnon nutter but he is a fraudster – Kangaroo Court of Australia
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