Scott Morrison take a bow, page-64

  1. 9,638 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 532
    Part of the reason for Australia's lackluster economic growth since 2013 is the share of income going to capital owners has shifted markedly from labour.

    the shift is basically the result of rapacious and unfathomable conservative greed. The conservatives have even deluded themselves that there is such a thing as the trickle down effect. there isn't.

    The economy relies on a circular flow of income, with flow being the key word. The more economic wealth is concentrated in fewer hands the less it moves around. To everyone's disadvantage.

    Conservatives go on and on with their palaver about workplace reform. What their pathetic mantra means is that their greed is so great that they can't see that this is the very thing that is destroying the economy.

    this is the very essence of stupidity and our conservative leaders are absolutely full of it.
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