Queensland author and researcher Dr Keith Noble, based in Austria, in his latest revelations exposes the Port Arthur ‘massacre’ as being designed by the Deep State to remove firearms from the hands of the public. The recent New Zealand ‘atrocity’ of 50 Muslims being shot in Mosques, unleashed by a Muslim sycophant posing as a Labor Prime Minister has all the hallmarks of the 1996 Port Arthur training exercise in which 35 people allegedly were shot. The Israeli secret service Mossad has its fingerprints all over both massacres although later independent research revealed a Jesuit imprint at Port Arthur. The investigation report has officially been buried for 75 years without a trial or inquest. Mr Noble has pleaded the case for a trial in an honest court which would exonerate Martin Bryant of any involvement in the Port Arthur massacre. -editor

Dear READERS, Two new books on the Port Arthur incident have been released – WORDS OF MEN: Official Terror Shooting Tasmania (2019) & WORDS OF WOMEN: Official Terror Shooting Tasmania (2019). Paperback (pp.160) copies are available from internet booksellers. PDF copies are available from [email protected] – FREE of course. Dr. Keith Allan Noble; author, Unit 72 B, Am Heumarkt 7, 1030 Vienna, Austria t. 43-1-9712401

Keith Noble