Scum anti vaxxers death threat to McGowan?

  1. 47,949 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    @raiderup; what else would you expect when even Twitter has now confessed that its algorithm promote right wing propaganda whilke Morrison and his Muppets deny the existence of right wing extremism in Australia:

    " Twitter admits bias in algorithm for rightwing politicians and news outlets "

    " Twitter finds racial bias in image-cropping AI "

    Twitter's bad enough; then there's what's being spewed out by Murdoch Mouthpieces - IMO that's truly evil stuff:

    " Joe Rogan, Ted Cruz and Fox News hosts want to 'save Australia' from its coronavirus strategies "
    "... But in the past few months, some US politicians, Fox News hosts, podcasters and Facebook groups have become increasingly fixated on Australia's COVID-19 policies.
    They say restrictions in states such as Victoria and New South Wales are evidence of "tyrannical" rule.
    While lockdowns have been the subject of vigorous debate inside Australia, the rhetoric in the US is far more intense.
    The Governor of Florida wants the US to cut diplomatic ties, protesters have gathered outside Australia's consulate in New York, and senator Ted Cruz has called the Northern Territory's Chief Minister "disgraceful"
    . ..."
  2. 22,725 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    Not alone are posters on these threads that condone such criminal
    behaviour potentially crims themselves, they encourage the gullible
    to be so as well, IMO.
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