SDL 0.00% 0.6¢ sundance resources limited

sdl valuation, page-27

  1. 279 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    I would say you are share a trader, You got some TU on your previous post on SDL that does not mean that we the share holder will give you TU for your non sense post. You should know that you are showing disrespect to our previouys board who gave their blood for this company. You are evaluating their blood for just 50 cent for your personal gain by creating terror among Mums and Dad share holder so that you can suck their blood. You don't own any share why are you giving us any suggestion. We have trust in GJ and DC who are working day and night to make this project a success. If you ready to buy SDL then BEG to Hanalong probably they may give their some shares to you. But I am holding my shares till I hear from GJ and GC. I would suggest you to stop posting on SDL. Or sell your share on market price which is 51.5 cent today; but how can you sell you don't have any. I will put you on ignor because I don't want to waste my time.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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