See why options can be investment heroes

  1. 1,363,236 Posts.
    Some investors shy away from options. But used wisely, they have the power to protect, grow or even diversify your position. From Puts and Calls to more advanced Condor, Butterfly and Split Strike strategies, options can be investment heroes in disguise. And now you can learn how to use them at an education seminar brought to you by ASX.

    Depending on how your investments are structured, any significant market movements can be worrying. But Graham O'Brien - Manager, Equity Derivatives at ASX - will explain how options can provide a level of certainty regardless of how the market performs.

    All options strategies work on the same principle. They allow you to 'lock in' a future buy or sell price for an underlying security. The price you agree at the outset won't change and it's this fixed element that smart investors rely on.

    At this seminar, Graham will demonstrate how different options strategies can be used to:

    * Mitigate risk in a falling market
    * Enhance profit in a rising market
    * Generate income in a flat market

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