Seek the LORD while He may be found., page-113

  1. 25,416 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    You quoted many verses Proving that Jesus is God's Son and Not God or God the Son, or God in the flesh or God man, do YOU get that???

    "The context was dual nature, stupid. That was the discussion.
    However, God nature makes him god. There is no way around it.
    You're just too stupid to realise it."

    Being raised by the Father and doing the Fathers will, does not make him dual nature, God or a god and man.
    If I take on the nature and attributes of God, it doesn't make me god, you silly man.

    "You're just too stupid to realise." -> that realise is Not realize DRRRRRRRRRRRR tongue.png
    Now what was that you were saying about -> "your and you're" rolleyes.png

    Another Gottcha moment Eh wink.png
    He only become God's Begotten Son after his conception/birth.

    "Maybe in the wotsup bible where god has a mouth and no arms and Jesus of Nathareth is his son but in the standard Christian Bible where verses can be quoted the Son of God was without begining of days and before all things."

    In the mind and plans of God, for a Jesus to be, which is the firstborn of God's inner creation, where all our creations begin, there were not days yet, as per Gens account, you silly man, or is that Boy LOL.

    Psa 2:7 - I will declare the decree: Yehowah has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have begotten You.
    So, there was NO begotten Son, pre the Gens creation, before there were days, confirming that without beginning of days, is referring to a plan of a future one, in the mind of God.

    Resulting in, the Bible rolls you yet again.

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