Seek the LORD while He may be found., page-196

  1. 25,418 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "thus why everyone is in disagreement with you, "


    And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
    And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: Like your stupidity on John 17:3.
    "you are clueless, as none of the points gave are even close to being rolled over,"

    No that's right, none of my points got rolled over, they rolled yours -> Like despite your deceptions of 17:3, Jesus independently of himself defines the Father as the Only True God, which rolls you lies -> Father, Son and Holy Spirit out the door in seconds.

    Following of yours got rolled as well, as you could not find anything in the Bible to support you nonsense, following.

    P - 72484511 -

    God is always and always will be Father Son and the Holy Spirit, youreternal life depends on the 3, no matter what you post, its that simple, oneGod Father, Son and the Holy Spirit

    You never provided Bible support, for your bolded creation here, you just run for the hills when asked to do so.

    "all CC prophecies made during the last 2000 years are falling like dominoes,"

    Yes Satan has the power to give you this info, you silly clown.
    Has the Vatican made contact with their imaginary ET that they believe exist yet?
    Or is your head in the sand on that demonic creation?

    "2 Thes 2 will be everywhere" = WAKE Up mate, it is everywhere now and has been for close to 2,000 yrs thanks to your Mother of Harlots and your John 17:3 lies, proves it beyond doubt, as nothing else could explain such a profound claim and messing with peoples eternal life prospects.

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