Seek the LORD while He may be found., page-200

  1. 10,737 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2102
    Why are people arguing over what means what, who said what, and what it all is suppose to mean when all this debating is from books that are hundreds to thousands of years old written by many entities based on there perceived reality at the time.
    People lie all the time, so would it not make sense that many of the writers of these religious books also made up lies to suit there own needs and agenda's based on there own needs to control others consciousness.
    We are all in one big game, the greatest game of all time across all of the universe's reality's timelines and realm's, a experience like no other for humans and all other beings who are joining us in far greater numbers as we all get so much closer to the new earth of a 5D vibration that those still stuck in the 3D vibration will not be able to exist with due to the fact that 3D and 5D vibrations can not naturally exist together.
    If you all keep up with this 3D game of the false light consciousness, you will all die as your vibration will not match the evolving vibration of 5D, your souls will leave for another planet that matches your conscious vibration.
    Heed my warning, there is not much time left, your Armageddon end of days is coming, and that is the death for those still in the 3d consciousness that will result in no heaven but a life in another vessel on another planet like the one you are experiencing now on earth.
    Do not fall for the Archon trick of the one God that did all the creation and who you should worship and fear, this is a consciousness of false light, go within take a conscious breath and listen to your heart, not your brain as this 3D reality will trick your brain, do not follow others, follow your own souls journey and rejoin prime creator and become the co creator God you are.
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