Goodness me, just when I thought the penny dropped finally are...

  1. 25,050 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Goodness me, just when I thought the penny dropped finally are me clearing up a matter many times, your Delusions and Blindness are still in Full swing.

    OH Please do tell us all in H/C deluded one, which PART of my post bellow, which is a post you're responding to here, are You NOT seeing, goodness me???????????????????????????????????

    "No problem wotsup, do tell Jesus at your judgement that your eternal life does not depend on him and his judgement, as he independently said that only the Father God and eternal life doesn't hindge in knowing them both"

    Wotsup -> Jesus only mentions salvation is through the Father and Son in 17:3, I have NEVER claimed that this verse is Father alone, YOU deluded one!
    I notice that you didn't address your crazy notion of yours following.

    "Ok, so are you going to tell Jesus to his face at your judgement that his death and resurrection are only a deluded imaginations as he's only a human"

    Wotsup -> Oh my, MORE delusions, how on earth do you arrive at your bolded message here, because Jesus is the 2nd Adam man, that is absolutely mind boggling, as to how and WHY you would come up with such a crazy notion.

    How on earth do you arrive at -> "that his death and resurrection are only a deluded imaginations" -> because he was only human?
    How does because, being a human make his death and resurrection deluded imaginations?
    What in the hec was going on in your mind, to write such nonsense.
    It's like you're trying to suggest, that only a God could die and be resurrected = that has got to be DELUSIONS.

    I say trying to suggest, Because no one could work out your nonsense other wise?????????????

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