@ppm56None of your deluded post following answers -> The...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    None of your deluded post following answers -> The following claim, I'm still waiting ppm's Bible support for the bolded.

    P - 72484511 - God is always and always will be Father Son and the Holy Spirit, your eternal life depends on the 3, no matter what you post, its that simple, one God Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Still waiting.
    "And it's not my take, that you need Jesus for your eternal life at judgement God is the one that's demands it and Jesus freely offered that, and the prayer in J17 confirms it"

    Goodness me AGAIN, you need to get to Spec Savers as you keep missing my repeated message, example following.
    Wotsup -> Jesus only mentions salvation is through the Father and Son in 17:3, I have NEVER claimed that this verse is Father alone, YOU deluded one!
    As for Jesus dying for our sins, that's a no brainer, but that has got ZERO to do with the discussions you deluded one.
    You're only mentioning this as your delusions are blinding you, as to what I've repeatedly been saying
    " interacting with his creation,"

    His creation, ONLY in the context that the God and Father, Yehowah alone created on account of, by reason of, because of, for the sake of, the future one to be, when latter he put all things under him, until death no more.
    "so he can forgive your sins"

    His dying had zero to do with that, he was given all power etc from the God and Father, which included being able to forgive sins, part of finishing the Father works that he gave him.
    "and grant you eternal life at you judgement,"

    Again, that is what the God and Father, the one Jesus said was the only true God when here, granted him this role.
    " that can only come from him as he's the only one that is perfect"

    It could have come through whom ever God chose, but God's plans before creation, were always to do it through a future one, Jesus.
    The 2nd Adam MAN became the prefect sacrifice, because he never sinned, therefore the God and Father was beholding to raise him SO THAT he would hold preeminence in all thigs Acts 2:24, Col 1:18.

    If he was the creator as you lot falsely claim, he would have already held preeminence.
    Don't give me this spill from Phil 2, as that has zero relevance of a pre-existing Jesus giving up anything, the very reason it mentions NO such thing, it is Definitely ONLY speaking of Jesus in the here and now, when he was here and the stage to which he had developed to and what God had bestowed upon him.
    That creation by you lot, is exactly that and an extremely desperate one to boot.
    "Being in creation does not negates God from being Father, Son and the Holy Spirit"

    God is NO such thing, that is making a mockery and abandoning Jesus's CLEAR words in John 17:3 and numerous other Bible verses.
    That unquestionably is from the Father of LIES.

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