Me not giving a hoot about thumbs up, is in reference to TU's...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Me not giving a hoot about thumbs up, is in reference to TU's for me DRRRRRRRRRRR!
    "Is the explanation that this thumbs up was all for show?"

    Why on earth would you possibly think that I would want to be a show pony? hmmmmmmmm

    Goodness me, talk about the saying, LOOKING a gift horse in the mouth???????
    What an ungrateful piece of work, that you're displaying yourself to be rolleyes.png

    Not to mention, your actions showing, or effectively demanding, to be praised for just doing the moral and ethical thing, for admitting that you were in error, because you swallowed someone else's lead.
    "Is this along the lines of your often stated claim that only a few get it? "

    I'm just the carrier of Jesus's clear stated claim, which the evidence proves beyond doubt, that his words are True.
    "That may be true but as you have repeatedly demonstrated you are not one of them because you can't understand the simplest verses in scripture as was demonstrated in the "Thomas"

    The Bible EVIDENCE which you toss aside that I provide, CLEARLY shows that YOU cannot understand the SIMPLEST verses demonstrated like the following;
    John 14:5, 10 - Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?
    Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

    Who does Jesus define the Father as, independently of himself = The Only True God, when he was here. John 17:3.

    Hence -> My
    Lord and my God (Thomas ref His God dwelling in Jesus, as he was told TWICE prior to the cross).

    You cannot refute the above with the Bible, and maintain the Bible Truth = Simples.
    "In your whereu's hands the word truth is a word that has been made dirty by you by the way that you bastardize the truth."

    Because the likes of your lies, that there would be blessings for those that without seeing Jesus, that they believed Jesus was Lord and God when Jesus makes absolutely NO reference to those words coming out of Thomas, only that Thomas now believes he rose from the dead, you TOTALLY toss aside the KEY meaning and theme of the passage, Believing that Jesus rose from the dead, which is all that the blessings are referring to.

    Not to mention, your lying words claiming that Jesus blessed Thomas, when No such words from Jesus exist and in fact Jesus's language, demonstrates a dressing down for Thomas, as others without seeing like Thomas, would believe that Jesus ROSE from the dead = them having way more faith than Thomas.
    "I have already told you that errors are entirely my own - are you so stupid that you have already forgotten this"

    Your error was ONLY in the context, that it was your error in accepting and swallowing ppm's lies, that I didn't know or understand that eternal life comes through Jesus death and resurrection, which was never a claim I have ever disagreed with, that was simply ppm's REPEATED deluded claims, despite me clearly correcting him, numerous times.
    He quoted verses to show, counter what he falsely claimed I believed, and sure enough, you supported (parroting him), by quoting similar verses to him.

    So that is the Truth of your error, that you swallowed ppm's crap, hook line and sinker and in a flash, like grease lightning and followed his lead tongue.png
    Like a little kid finding a bag of lollies and pouncing on them lol.
    "John 1:1-14,"

    YOU have ZERO understanding of the above passages, and have demonstrate Yet Again, that you just swallow the seeds of others and totally ignore the evidence that goes against it.
    The likes of Mal 3:1 and more, make it VERY clear that the way for Yehowah would at FIRST be prepared for him, Prior to Jesus entering the stage.
    The writer of John picks up on this and the first 13 verses are introducing Yehowah and his word and what it means and brings.
    You know, His words of Spirit and Life, that Jesus REPEATED says, he speak the Fathers, Yehowah's words.
    Because that which is born of flesh -> words (Jesus), profit nothing Jesus says, hence he spoke the Father's words, again ruling him out as being The Word in the context that all claim.
    To boot, the words made him, he is the results of them, and Luke makes this very clear, like Isa 55:10,11 as well.

    You would think the following is Jesus.
    John 1:10 - He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him.
    Isa 44:24 - Thus saith Yehowah, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I Yehowah that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;

    So, if you thought 1:10 was Jesus, then You simply swallowed a Big lie.
    This also totally Removes Jesus from 1:3, which then Naturally rips him out of 1:1,2 as these 3 verses CANNOT be separated.
    Jesus is within 1 & 2, but ONLY as a plan to be in the Mind of Yehowah, along with the Gens creation plan, for the one to be and the Gens creation plan is shown to have been expressed (God's inner logos/plan) by 1:3.

    John 1:11 - He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
    You no doubt would probably claim that this is Jesus as well?
    How bloody ridiculous that would be = he comes to his own, rejected so then he jumps back into the womb and pops out at 1;14, yea right, that sounds like the Easter Bunning story.
    No way would the passage jump to future then go back in time.

    Where as with the Truth, Yehowah being introduced first, it all flows in PERFECT chronological order.

    1:11 - He (Yehowah) came unto his own, and his own received him not.
    You only have to Look to the pre flood, for a clear example of this and there are many more.
    And to Boot -> there is nothing new under the sun, what was will be = the same that happened to the Father, happened to the Son, rejected by his own.
    The rest of your comments = Decoys as you didn't want to address the TRUTH of my points made.

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