you can criticise Israel without being antisemitic if you use...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 88

    you can criticise Israel without being antisemitic if you use facts and if you don’t insert your opinions as if they are facts so your examples are both antisemitic because they aren’t facts.
    Look at the definition of the word, “facts” below for starter!

    Turkey intentionally set out to destroy and kill Armenians. This was well documented. It was an intentional, murderous and genocidal action against Armenians as a whole. I have attached the Wikipedia reference….But Turkey keeps denying that they committed genocide…who facts should I believe?

    Many better informed people and organisations like the UN are claiming that what is currently occurring amounts to genocide.

    Wikipedia is simply people recollections or have a motive to push a particular agenda…that doesn’t mean it should be ignored because of its educational benefits.

    I’m still no better off because u only guided me, was getting facts!

    It appears whose facts one chooses to believe according to the definitions.

    in any case no matter whether you manage to work out how to criticise Israel without sounding anti semitic you face another problem / your obsession Jews and Communism….

    This is my opinion: Why should some of our students be forced to be taught only about the Holocaust and not about the Communist, Jewish led Bolshevik government.
    A government that were responsible for greater numbers of deaths well exceeding the Holocaust numbers include others Jews.

    There are ample facts to confirm my statement!

    Why did our educator’s need to buy the education material from Israel and not create our own version for the curricular to be learn’t.

    The common theme between the curriculum and IHRA is the provider’s whom wish to control the narrative?

    Plural form of facts


    1. Knowledge or information based on real occurrences.
      "an account based on fact; a blur of fact and fancy."
    2. Something demonstrated to exist or known to have existed.
      "Genetic engineering is now a fact. That Chaucer was a real person is an undisputed fact."
    3. A real occurrence; an event.
      "had to prove the facts of the case."
    4. Something believed to be true or real.
      "a document laced with mistaken
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