segment on 60 minutes ronight, page-19

  1. 58 Posts.
    lord elpus

    My rent is less than what my land lord pays, actually about 50% - so who is the fool?

    The money i save makes me about 300% P.A in shares, again who is the fool?

    So your telling me that house prices go up every year at this rate for ever? have you ever looked at past data?

    Lord Elpus

    please explain, how can housing have increased by 300% this decade when inflation is only up about 30%? is that margin of growth nothing more than pure profit exploiting the situation? remember big fat profit margins and shirnk quite easily by the builders.

    Why is Australia one of the most expensive places to buy housing in the world when our population is one of the lowest?

    In the last 10 years its been cheaper to buy a house in a city in the US with the same population of australia condensed into that small area.

    So you honestly belive housing is not over valued by 50%? and you honestly belive that the following interest rate rises are not going to help pop the bubble?

    I gues you think all your stocks will go up every month also and never fall maintaining the trend for your whoe life.

    I feel sorry for arrogant people like you, your like a religious finatic who refuse to see reality. your going to have a sad 2 years to come.. and in that time I Will be buying a better house than you, but with less money.
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