Dear closeted apparachies,My declaration of political bias and...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    Dear closeted apparachies,

    My declaration of political bias and pecuniary interest:-

    Moorooka Mick is not and has not been a member of any political party and his only interest in the RSPT s purely sefish: ie: it will cost me nothing.

    Corporations work successfully on this principle so why not me! BHP or Rio did not complain about the GST so why should I now complain about the the RSPT. Poetic justice comrade!.

    Regardless of why we now have a massive budget or who is responsible, the fact is we have one & it must be paid.
    I for one do not want to be encumbered with any more tax
    or government charges. Ihave not benefited from
    the mineral/energy boom and my contribution to Australia has been one way, I worked hard and others have have the wealth to prove that I worked hard.

    Corporations like BHP & Rio are here for our benefit not the other way around. Since the budget one would think that they have been doing us a favour over the past 30 years
    when the truth of the matter is that they have been making
    millionaires & billionaires out of a select few when the average Aussie has been struggling to put a feed on the table!

    They whinge about the retrospective nature of the RSPT because it does not make provision for money already spent on infrastructure. The truth of the matter is that they has a 2% discount on WA royalties to offset the cost of initial infrastructure in the 1960s and they enjoyed this corporate welfare up to last week!And even now they claim this infrastructure as solely their's and deny others access.
    It doesn't sound very big Australian to me mate!

    Do I hear BHP or Rio whinging about those of us who wont get the old age pension because the Government has reneged on its promise of providing a universial old age pension in the early 1960s when an extra 1% income tax was levied on us all to pay for it. NO!

    They are mute when it comes to issues that efect me
    so why I be concerned if the Government puts the squeeze on them now to pay their way.

    How many BHP & Rio tax cases have been through the courts with some all the way to the High court of Australia. Lots
    How many of mine. Zero!

    In the early 1960s when the Government was promising me an old age pension and charging me for it,BHP and Rio were
    begging corpoate welfare from the WA Government in the form of reduced iron ore royalties and it was only last week when this rort was outed during negotiations to integrate
    BHP & Rio iron ore operations that they reluctantly agreed
    to pay the going rate. Did they offer to back pay the shortfall? NO.

    Was I involved in the Iraq AWB oil for food scandal.
    No but BHP was.

    Was I involved or did I benefit from ill got iron ore market
    intelligence recently in China. No but Rio has been.

    So you see comrades, BHP and Rio's corporate culture of selfishness and "make as much money as you can" has finally caught up with me and if we all act like them Australia will be a nasty and greedy place to live.

    Others on this blog site dissappoint me by barracking for these greedy multinationals who would drop us for two bob.
    Just listen to them!

    Who are you? Are you gutless political apparachies who stand to personally benefit from the outcome of the upcomming election or are you billionaire apologists
    for Palmer, Twiggy and Rheinhart?

    You certainly dont sound like fair dinkum Aussies to me!

    Moorooka Mick
    ( upfront with his political bias)
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