"sell your islands...& the acropolis too!"

  1. s8
    7,757 Posts.
    Germany v. Greece

    Greece should sell islands to keep bankruptcy at bay, say German MPs

    Fire sale of Greek islands, Acropolis and Parthenon suggested
    Greek public reacts with outrage and boycotts German goods

    Phillip Inman and Helena Smith guardian.co.uk,
    Thursday 4 March 2010 13.57 GMT Article history



    Germans remain unmoved by the troubles facing Greece. Opinion polls show Germans are overwhelmingly against a Berlin-funded bailout. Greece's deficit was 12.7% of national income in 2009, well ahead of the EU's 3% limit.

    "The chancellor cannot promise Greece any help," Schaeffler told Bild in a story under the headline: "Sell your islands, you bankrupt Greeks! And sell the Acropolis too!"

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