Mega i am not suggesting a sell off I a just saying apart from a fluffy announcement I can't see a driver of the share price due to the way the company is structured and the product they have. More a drift as they continue spending money and experimenting proving their model . So can't see a reason for a revaluation and a large jump in price that can be sustained until technology on scale is proven and in a format that can be priced for sale. It is not to do with success of the product but more a realistic view on how long it will take to get a commercial client on board , signed , sealed and production happening and what would drive that client to do it today. I like the way they are ticking boxes and that may continue but they don't publicly release goals regarding output and water production as there is too many variables including the variable that parts of their system are not at final design nor as efficient as expected etc etc. We can hope that they will start releasing real world hard data and have under promised by a significant factor and they over deliver but with the track record currently of delayed deployment etc I am not sure on that but hopeful .
I can see why technically people may buy the story and believe there is a news flow coming as CWE have been good at this with annual financing , grants etc but it has been slow progress and so much is getting done behind the scenes. For all I know there may be a client ready to sign up , fully financed for a full array of buoys subject to successful numbers from current set up? Navy may want a couple more buoys ?? But it possibly would be a distraction and cash drain from the bigger goal . Just how many locations are " shovel ready" in the world where if a performance and cost hurdle can be achieved are ready to roll for current array design? So we are talking , isolated area,existing marine service facilities , island?. 1st world possibly probably to finance in a active shallow wave area that can't use proven solar and wind with diesel back up who want to take the risk and be a early adopter of wave?? They seriously need to do reunion island and prove it works away from a test environment and RI must already have 90% of infrastructure ready to roll? How much to supply some buoys in new format ?
Just offering a different opinion and not as dazzled as some in regards to progress and manner in which they release information and in addition I have a fair understanding of the engineering headwinds they will encounter with scale up let alone total new design with a partnered failed trial on the books..