Selling Naked Puts on Dividend Stocks, page-3

  1. 10,673 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 732
    To write calls, you would have to buy the stock first and then sell the covered call.

    The risk reward ratio of selling a 4 dollar naked put on FMG is the same as Buying FMG at $4.80c and then selling the $4.00 Call option for a 90c Credit.

    Effectively you are hedged to $3.90 with a 10 cent yield.

    Its basically a Hedged Yield.

    Its like investing for a return and being hedged to the level you are comfortable with.

    In my case Im comfortable Buying FMG for $3.90c before the end of June.

    The yields on FMG is solid enough for me to be comfortable with that risk exposure.
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