Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price another great email with sensible solutions

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    From my inbox yesterday - 100% copied n pasted - I took the HC suggestion to paste as HTML -

    Dear xxxxx,

    I’m back in Canberra this week, and let me tell you,I’m worked up.

    It’s been nearly two weeks since SA Senator Kerrynne Liddle – whowas born in Alice Springs – highlighted the plight of an Aboriginalfamily living on a concrete slab on the outskirts of town.

    The family left the Utopia community in central Northern Territoryand made the 300 kilometre journey to Alice Springs seeking healthcareand support for a 30-year-old-woman with third-stage kidneyfailure.

    These are good people.

    They’re not drinkers, they’re not gamblers, they don’tcause problems.

    They send their kids to school, they try to set a good example andthey try to do the right thing.

    But here they are still living on an open concrete slab withnothing but a tarp for protection in the harsh Alice Springsweather.

    It got up to 38 degrees last weekend, and down to just 14 degreesat night.

    They had nothing but a tarp.

    It's a national shame that families live without shelter on aconcrete slab, but as far as this government is concerned: out ofsight equals out of mind.

    Two weeks they have known about this, but all they can talk aboutis their divisive Voice!

    Ignoring the voices of her own constituents crying out for help,the Member for Lingiari and her Labor colleagues claim to want to“correct” a system that she believes discriminates against AboriginalAustralians.

    What’s more discriminatory than neglecting the urgent needs ofAustralians, just so you can use their plight for political gain whilecampaigning for your own self-interest?

    What’s more discriminatory than ignoring Indigenous Australianswhile telling the rest of the country that Indigenous Australians haveno voice?

    Australia doesn’t need a Voice; we just need these peopleto do their jobs.

    In fact, there are four very senior Aboriginal politicians fromLabor – Minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney, senatorsMalarndirri McCarthy and Patrick Dodson and MP Marion Scrymgour – withmore than 65 years of collective experience within state, territoryand federal parliaments.

    They need to do their jobs! We need the bureaucrats to do theirjobs! We need the taxpayer funded service providers to do theirjobs!

    We need the government, which was democratically elected to serveall Australians, to stop looking for another way to pass the buck andto get on with its job.

    Stop using these lives as a political football and get on with theREAL solutions to these very REAL problems.

    Yours for REAL solutions, Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

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