Lapdog said he wasn't surprised Price was getting death threats....

  1. 2,435 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 330
    Lapdog said he wasn't surprised Price was getting death threats.

    I said 'hey Lapdog, the fact you're not surprised someone you're attacking is getting death threats is tacit support for the use of death threats. That's not on dude'. I even asked Lapdog to state categorically that they didn't condone the use of death threats, because his previous post certainly sounded like it did. Did you not read that particular post, Scott? Escape your memory? Perhaps you did read it, but decided to overlook it because it made your subsequent attack look stupid?

    Which bit of any of my posts, Scott, suggested to your aging mind that I condone death threats? Do point out which bit, or sequence of bits.

    Lapdog then posted categorically that he doesn't condone the use of death threats, and I took him at his word.

    Several hours after we had sorted it out, you misread a post and and jumped straight on the attack and made a dick of yourself. Not willing to concede you had completely misread my properly worded posts, you keep having a go at me for condoning death threats, when in fact - had you read my posts properly - you would have realised that I was the one was having a go at someone for condoning death threats.

    The fact that you honestly thought I was condoning death threats beggars belief. That fact that the posts - all half dozen of them - are still on this thread for you to understand your mistake and yet you still continue trying to justify your stupidity by not condeding your mistake, beggars belief as well.

    If you don't believe me, ask Lapdog, the person with whom I was having the conversation you butted in on. He is no doubt whatsoever that I do not condone death threats, because I was the one who pulled him up for suggesting they were okay. Though, given your reticence to accept your own mistake, I doubt you will ask Lapdog, will you Scott.

    Do please point out to me which part of which post I said that the use of death threats were okay, and we will see who has a better grasp of English. Put up or shut up Scott, lol. Seriously.
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