ah well UT..... we're about to find out what/how an independent...

  1. 52,539 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 654
    ah well UT..... we're about to find out what/how an independent dominated parliament does things.

    this is almost certain to be a hung parliament with either party forced to negotiate with a widening cross-bench. the one possibility that could overturn the system is the duopoly are reduced to a minority with the majority being independent. I doubt this latter possibility as yet because the Climate 200 org has only one candidate running in a Lab seat.

    so the outcome of the election will more likely see a Lab minority with negotiated assurance of money bills and no guarantees of agreement on any other matters.

    this is the one fault I see with Climate 200. they're geared to unseat the extremists as they are the easiest to beat.
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