Senator John McCain on Syria, page-7

  1. 10,508 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 382
    I agree, the more you look at the evidence of where the US has been involved in the last 20 years the more you see destruction, dislocation and human suffering on a grand scale. Mostly the reporting of this is distorted by blaming allies or their enemy or NOT reported at all. If I were an American citizen I'd feel pretty peeved about how my tax dollars were being used to convert the rest of the world into my image. One of the reasons human civilization prospered for many centuries was the diversity of different cultures around the world that were true sovereign states, yes some were tyrannical as others were democratic or socialist but they co-existed with only 'minor' skirmishes from time to time. Now everything has to be in the image of the USA. Time to stop and let other nations get on with what they do independently. My view is now that the USA is an aggressive opportunistic regime based on self interest rather than global peace.
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