ARU 2.86% 18.0¢ arafura rare earths ltd

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  1. 1,890 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 95
    @tradeprofits don't be a conspiracy theorist.
    The big dog has justified his position. everything is kosher. just be quiet. please do not question anything.
    Cant you see that the existing holders that have funded the project are being protected.

    The existing holders are so lucky:
    the FID keeps getting missed
    equity funding keeps getting delayed
    share price keeps falling to allow for a favourable equity raise
    6% of the company is handed to the leaders at $0.
    shorters are gifted cap raising / spp shares

    Don't you understand the difference between shareholder dilution , shareholder ownership dilution amd shareholder value dilution.
    my team... is work hard on key activities.


    Themisinformation being circulated is attempting to convince people that I have avested interest in a declining share price. This could not be further than thetruth and the following will help clarify this.

    The Boarduses independent external remuneration advisors to benchmark competitiveremuneration packages and ensure the structure of those packages reflect goodgovernance. Reflective of our non-revenue generating stage, fixed remunerationis kept at or below the median of the market with more weight on long-termequity-based at-risk pay compared to our comparator peer group.

    Performancerights that have been included in my employment offer have not yet been grantedand will be subject to your approval.

    Valuationof performance rights typically will use a 5-day volume-weighted average price(VWAP) of the Company’s share prior to calculation date, which for incentiveswould typically be the employment commencement date.

    To ensurefairness, my total number of incentives in the upfront grant will be equal tothe higher of this calculation and $0.20 (being the 5-day VWAPused in the grant of incentives to existing staff in December 2023). This meansI will receive less performance rights than I would have, hada 5-day VWAP to my commencement date been used, however it was agreed that thiswould be fair given the share price was depressed at the time of mycommencement.

    The referencepoint of $0.20 for calculating the number of performance rights was determinedby the Board at the time of my appointment in February. Once granted anyperformance rights will only vest into actual shares if themilestones to which they have been linked are achieved.

    If themilestones are not achieved, my team and I receive nothing. Any reduction inshare price below $0.20 will reduce the value delivered to me if, and when,they vest into shares. Any increase in share price above $0.20 will increasethe value to me. This aligns my reward and that of my team with ourshareholders. This is standard good governance in executiveremuneration. The correct avenue to disclose a grant of unquoted equitysecurities such as performance rights, including details such as theirreference point, is an ASX announcement at the point of granting and/orinclusion in the Annual Report, which was the avenue which we used.

    Informationhas also been circulated that I have already received $1.1 million for the achievementof the debt milestone. Again, this is simply not true. As previouslymentioned, I have not yet been granted any performance rights and when I am,subject to your approval, the first milestone will be the commencement of mainconstruction which has not yet been met. This information was contained in theASX announcement 5 February 2024 and all remuneration to 30 June 2024 wasdisclosed in the Remuneration Report contained in the Annual Report released toASX on 21 August 2024.

    It was disappointingto hear about the level of misinformation being circulated when the correctinformation is publicly available and easily accessible on our website.

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