Settlements, page-132

  1. 7,132 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    Re "Ok, by this token, if you had the power to influence governments to do your bidding based on your opinion of what was right, you would do it immediately.

    I hope you realise you have utterly destroyed any validity or credibility you may have thought you had in your attacks against organisations that use any and all power at their disposal to try and influence others. "

    I wasn't talking about being a lobby group that shouldn't have the power of government because it is unelected to office. I wasn't talking about bribing and harassing members of congress to do the bidding of a foreign country. I'm not talking about working with big tech companies to control free speech and to make a direct attack on the nation's constitution. Nor am I referring to sending intimidating letters to sovereign nations threatening to takes action that I estimated would reduce their tourism by 28%. I'm not referring, as an unelected body, to ignoring a resolution to recognise the Armenian genocide in a resolution in direct contradiction of my stated goals.

    I'm talking about having power within the framework of elected government (purely hypothetical of course). That is the only legitimate power, I'm referring to. I didn't say unelected "power to influence", something the ADL AIPAC etc have. If the ADL or AIPAC were a political party which went to the people every 4 years to retain their power, I'd still not like what they're doing but I would at least concede that Americans had voted them into office. In that scenario the American people would get to decide whether they wanted an organisation which acts subversively on behalf of a particular group and usually for the direct benefit of a foreign country. My view is that, if most Americans who know about the activities of the ADL could then vote on its existence, it would disappear immediately. Very few people take much notice of them, they have a tiny Twitter following, and yet they cause all this havoc from a completely unelected position.

    So until I start talk about intimidating foreign countries, changing my own country's constitution, attacking non violent citizens' right to express an opinion and, through that, constantly acting against the interests of the country I operate in, all from a completely unelected position of power, then you're creating yet another whopping straw man argument.
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