Settlements, page-140

  1. 7,251 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    Re "A sovereign peaceful country (that shut its borders to Jews fleeing Austria, forced Jews that did arrive to change their names to Icelandic ones by law, harboured Nazi's after the war etc.) tried to pass a law that would directly affect the religious practice of Jews and Muslims"

    Yes, they tried to pass a law that didn't suit 35 Jewish people, and the ADL came down on them. I'm against circumcision, to be honest, it's brutal in my mind. I'd never let someone do that to my son, they'd have to kill me. So, for a non Jewish country, to take that decision is fine with me in every way. That said, if you support it in a country that accepts it, then so be it. We're not all the same and the ADL should stay out of a sovereign country's business, or they should expect the worldwide criticism they get, which is precisely what they deserve.

    Re "You continually express and present opinion as fact - I believe this to be highly disingenuous and dishonest - especially when you revert to the same and repeat it over and over across multiple threads and topics."

    Well stop thinking about what I am, and make a counter argument. The insults have worn thin.

    Re "When you have run out of valid points and credible argument or are being shown to be wrong or doubted your default is to cry victim of personal insult"

    How is accusing me of not liking Jews and accusing me of being dishonest ever going to show me I'm wrong. Apart from telling me about bad things that happened in your childhood, I've not seen you provide a credible argument.

    As for being paranoid? No I'm not, it just seemed like an odd comment to make. I think the paranoia belongs to those that think everyone that doesn't love what Israel does on the world stage, must automatically hate all Jews.
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