Would that be the ones that God wipes away their tears,Drrrrrr...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 179
    Would that be the ones that God wipes away their tears,

    Drrrrrr what a remarkable revelation from you.
    It just happens to say that in the passages.

    because the Mother was drunk on their BLOOD?

    So now the tribulation isn't from Satan's wrath but from the Mother of Harlots?
    As with Satan, Mother of Harlots isn't mentioned in the passage. You are clutching at straws in desperation.
    That is absurd. They didn't bleed. They were sprinkled with blood you idiot. How stupid could you be?

    (Why on earth, if you're standing before God, would you be in tears??????????????????????????)

    The tears weren't just from standing before God you clueless twit.
    The tears welled up through their whole tribulation.
    How come you don't know any of this?

    You know the ones that will be given the truth from the mouth of Jesus,

    No. There wasn't a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language when Jesus spoke on earth.

    soon after his angels gather the few,

    So there is a few?

    and just before he executes the Fathers wrath, which they will have to endure and likely die, but hanging onto what appears to be, a new found truth for them.
    Hence, they become part of, big part of the multitude.

    And now the few are a great multitude?
    Tell us how the great multitude came about?
    ha ha you are showing much desperation, wotsup!

    There's nothing you have said that explains what the actual tribulation is which isn't surprisng because it is clear you just don't know.
    You said it was Satan's wrath and nothing you have said it explains that either.
    But you have changed it to be the Mother of Harlots and nothing you have said explains that either.

    Gummy Bear, you cannot rule this out for the multitude,

    Yes, I can, wotsup. It is clear you have no clue wotsoever what the tribulation is for the great multitude.
    You say it is the wrath of satan and then the Mother of Harlots drinking their blood.

    but due to 2 Thes 2:10,11, they won't let your mind go there,

    You are the deluded desperate one that has no clue wotsoever, wotsup.

    so you will have to wait for Jesus's revealing of what's in your Temple 2 Thes 2:4, when he arrives, 2:8 I think.

    You think?
    I know what you have no clue wotsoever about what the actual tribulation is, wotsup. .
    You are exhibiting that you are the totally deluded one who has no clue wotsoever, wotsup!

    For “He has put all things under His feet.”

    When are you going to get there, wotsup?

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