sponsors have departed....and talk of them leaving...

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    sponsors have departed....
    and talk of them leaving america....living on an island somewhere...the wife has purchased the house....
    black america is not happy either...they have not missed the point..all the women are white...
    they were going to give him a congressional medal...but now changed their mind....
    and all those tiger wood dolls that parents were buying....sales have dropped dramatically....
    he was held in high esteem....he is just as much a user of women....mothers do not appreciate the message he has sent out...
    its not about the golf anymore...

    while commercials featuring Woods have disappeared from prime-time television and many cable channels after reports of his extramarital affairs, according to Nielsen, the media monitoring company.

    It noted that the last occasion he appeared in a prime-time advertisement was a 30-second spot for Gillette on November 29, two days after the Florida car crash that exposed his problems. The world’s highest-earning sportsman was also absent from last weekend’s NBC World Challenge golf tournament, which typically features at least one Woods appearance at every commercial break.

    “I would bet that most of his corporate partners do have morality clauses in their contracts with him,” said William Chipps, of the IEG Sponsorship Report, which tracks and analyses corporate sponsors.

    “Generally it would be along the lines that ‘if you participate in behaviour that we as a sponsor deem as inappropriate, we have a right to cancel’ . . . There will be a lot of talk going on behind closed doors right now.

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