FML 0.00% 21.0¢ focus minerals ltd

shandong, page-7

  1. 6,643 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 980
    I respect the sentiment travted, I too believe that there have been mistakes made and a distinct lack of communication which is unforgivable. Have a look at the post that I replied to and tell me where the quality is in that?

    I am not expelling my misery on other HC members. I am accountable for my own decisions. I am deeply underwater here and I don't make any excuses for that. I am averaging down. I have told the company what I think and what I would like to see. Aside from the blunder regarding the transition of ore source and the issue of royalties in the last quarterly I cannot see much other than communication that has been done badly since SD came onto the register.

    I have a vision for where I see this company going (that is why I hold and buy) and those in the 'rara' brigade who are being laughed at also see that. There is a clear path for this company and it revolves around: drilling-resources-mill expansion-production expansion-economies of scale.

    It would be naive to think that in this day and age that the company does not have a presence on HC. I am sure they are more than aware of what they have to do better. Remember that Stone only just came into the fold the other week - I for one wouldn't have been trying to add too much value before that deal was consummated in case they played hard(er) ball.

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20.5¢ 21.0¢ 20.0¢ $10.56K 50.83K

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1 20542 20.0¢

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