Toxic vaccinations - Please note general topic! On

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    I had a brief but disturbing conversation with my sister in law yesterday regarding mercury in vaccines. Apparrently banned in the US now, but still used here. Her thoughts went far beyond the info presented below regarding the likely affects (all sorts of mental and physical disorders which have become far more common eg ADD), to virtual conspiracy theory regarding the large pharmaceuticals and the government. Hep B vaccination is also under the spotlight for having negative outcomes far outweighing the positives. I personally was strongly encouraged to have this one at work as well as many others for myself and family.

    Mercury Poisoning from Vaccines: A Generation at Risk
    A full generation of children in America was exposed to dangerous doses of highly toxic ethyl mercury from 1990 through 2000. Children were injected with the toxic mercury that was a major ingredient in a chemical product called thimerosal, an additive and biological preservative packaged into multi-dose vials of many childhood vaccines. With each dose of vaccine that contained thimerosal, a child would also get an injection of toxic mercury. Each one of those mercury injections exposed the child to levels of toxic mercury in excess of the federal government's own safety guidelines.

    Mercury is widely known to cause neurological damage, often permanent. Current clinical and epidemiological research suggests that the mercury-laden thimerosal so widely given to children by the drug companies in the 1990's might cause a range of neurological and neurodevelopmental injuries, including autism. Compounding this public health disaster is that the toxic exposure was entirely avoidable. The thimerosal was added merely as product packaging for the multi-dose vials, and is not needed as a preservative when the vaccines are packaged in single-dose vials or single-use syringes. Thimerosal had nothing to do with vaccine safety, and everything to do with the profits and convenience of packaging for the pharmaceutical companies.

    Government and Drug Company Response
    The federal government recommended in 1999 that the drug companies should provide a thimerosal-free vaccine supply by the summer of 2001, but allowed the continued use of vaccine products containing thimerosal. On October 1, 2001, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) went one step further, urging that all remaining stocks of thimerosal-laced vaccines be removed from use immediately and destroyed. Amazingly, the drug companies refused to tell the IOM how much mercury-laced vaccine product remained on the market and in use. The IOM also called for extensive and immediate scientific and clinical studies to assess this critical health issue, but could not identify where the money for this needed research will come from.

    Urgent Action Needed
    For a generation of injured children, the drug company and government response is too little and too late. The hope for those children is for a massive research and clinical effort to develop effective treatments for the mercury-induced injuries so that the children can recover. Results for innovative treatment programs are encouraging. For children exposed to mercury but not yet showing symptoms, the hope is for research and medical monitoring that will identify late-onset problems quickly enough that treatment will make a difference.

    For all of these children, the research and treatment programs nationwide will require millions of dollars, money that should come from the drug companies that profited from the use of thimerosal as a vaccine additive. Forcing the multi-billion dollar international pharmaceutical industry to pay for this essential research and medical monitoring is the goal of a group of parents' support groups, law firms, health care providers and academics.

    The links on this page will direct you to scientific and medical information on mercury-induced injuries, to the key sources of information about current research into the toxic effects of mercury in vaccines, and to other organizations involved in the assessment and treatment of kids affected by mercury.

    If you believe your child or children may have been affected please call toll free 1-866-MERCTOX (1-866-637-2869).

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