SAS 0.00% 1.6¢ sky and space company ltd

share price predictions after 3 diamonds revenue and pearls funding, page-12

  1. OzJ
    1,818 Posts.
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    Joining the game of counting chickens...

    * If 3D revenue in 2018 is US$10m - $35m from Sat-Space Africa, and
    * Funding of approx US$20m is secured to start the pearls

    Then I expect a market cap of 3 or 5 times the current cap at the end of 2018. So, with current cap at approx $90m then than will be $300m - $500m. If you assume that the owners escrowed shares can come onto the market and automatically boost the market cap then multiply those numbers approximately by 3. If like me, you think they will suppress the share price, then perhaps market cap will double.

    So I expect the price at the end of 2018, if all goes according to plan, somewhere between:

    $300m * 2 inflation factor from escrow release / 1.75b shares = $.34

    $500m * 2 inflation factor / 1.75b = $.57

    Beyond 12 months I'm not estimating.
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