PRX 0.00% 0.2¢ prodigy gold nl

what an absolute bargain abu is still under 1c pre consilidation...

  1. 1,530 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    what an absolute bargain abu is
    still under 1c pre consilidation
    pre consilidation we were talking 10c minimium by now hence tte s.p. should be around $1.50
    many guroos anticipating pog will go to $5000 but some pesimists on world politics and world financial markets are
    suggesting $50.000 /oz laugh or scoff if you will but i will be buying after every 2c rise
    the guy who is supposed to own 400,000 shares must have owned 6,000,000 shares prior to consolidation and must
    have lost a packet
    i feel sorry for him this sp neeeds to get to 45c to get to the equilvent of 3c pre consilidation

    good item on outsiders suggests small gold miners could well go up 200 times in this gold rush which has already started
    if this did happen as he suggests a small stake in abu of 2000 dollars could return $400,000
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