(Formerly Skaffold), page-12

  1. 182 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12
    That is interesting Peter, but, I remain very sceptical. I had talked to Cameron, a year or so ago, on a number of occasions, and I think he may be sincere in his belief from my impression of him, but, the way subscribers have been treated like mushrooms ( left in the dark ), doesn't give me much confidence that this will end well. If it does come back to us I think it will be very unlikely, that I, or the majority of subscribers would risk a renewal. As well as that, the quality of the product had greatly fallen in recent times. Their previous data had a lot of inconsistencies e.g. RMD ( ResMed) was shown with totally different outcomes on its NYSE and ASX listings. I had lost so much faith in its quality that I rarely used the service in recent times, after quite a few years of using it as an initial search tool.
    I only want a basic quant and there is nothing available for the asx that I have found. I tried Clime, but was not impressed. It appeared to be just another tip sheet, which I certainly don't want. Simply Wall Street has some use as it can save on time consuming research. You can use their free stuff, but it doesn't have the search facilities that Skaffold had.
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