Sharia, page-45

  1. 37,911 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 828
    This is illogical.

    * People who are prone or subject to addictions, such as gambling or pornography, are unable to "choose".

    * If "addiction" was a "choice", as you erroneously claim, it would not be called "addiction".

    * If pornography & prostitution is not harmful, as you claim, why does not everyone do & gain happiness from it?

    * If pornography & prostitution is not harmful, as you claim, why are most workers there addicted to drugs?

    * You claim pornography, which often shows gang-sex towards a single woman or girl (which influences gang-rape), is OK for children & teens to watch this.

    * So are you stating when pornography 'adults-only' in the West, we were living in ignorance?

    * You also claim leaving your wife & children for another person is "love".

    Last edited by ddzx: 20/01/16
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