sharon compared to hussein -- i think not

  1. 1,951 Posts.
    sharon is in a class of his own when it comes to brutality and murderous intentions

    Sharon's comments on “Fortress Israel” are diabolical. Sharon is the terrorist as the UN document on the Right to Food reveals. Nearly 10% of Palestinian children under 5 years old are now permanently brain damaged due to imposed starvation and dehydration policies by the Israeli government, and approaching one quarter of children under five are at severe risk of permanent, irreversible brain damage. This is genocide on the sly... an answer to the Arab demographic issue.

    Weakened bodies are also susceptible to diseases ... supplied courtesy of costly Israel disease-laden, non-potable water which Palestinians are forced to purchase due to Israel policies of destroying Palestinian reservoirs, water pipes, wells and roof top wells, which the UN report also documents.

    Sharon is a tyrant to the Palestinians. His evil can be compared to Saddam Hussein's, complete with torture chambers. And as was Saddam, Sharon is a creation of the USA. America backs Israeli policies by blocking UN actions that would benefit Palestine and by footing all the bills for this New Age Holocaust against an innocent people, the rightful heirs of the Holy Land, the Semite descendants of Abraham who now live on less than 9% of their original territory.

    And once the racist Apartheid Wall is completed and the “accepted” settlements expanded, how much land will remain? If allowed to continue with their special Israeli accounting practices… one for you, two for me…perhaps all that will remain for Palestinians is a memory.

    Genevieve Cora Fraser

    Massachusetts USA


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