sharon compared to hussein -- i think not, page-2

  1. 831 Posts.
    See, people fail to understand that there is more anger and revulsion at whats going on in ISrael and the mid east and the rest of the world particularly where it concerns the actions of the US and Britain. But few know of it because we now live in a society that practices Censorship.

    Censorship because the media today publishes what is known as advertorials. Their editors anyway who do publish editorials do so under the threat of punishment or the rewards of being of one mind with their proprietors. It is a sign that the Ben ladens of this world have won out and continue to gain ground. They have managed to reduce a once vibrant western culture into enclaves of well fed fat brainless mutants.

    US servicement continue to be killed in Iraq and Afghanistan but the body count is not accurately published. The footage f grieving relatives is anathema to TVby a law thats been passed. Thelast thing they want is for the man on the streets to see the real body bag count.

    Apart from such simple examples are the other threats which they continue to fight which includes the 'Flu' outbreak in the states. The Atlanta laboratory for disease control etc. had just recently published in the New England journal for medicine their concerns of the strain and of the effect of the anti dote when the article got withdrawn.

    Sharon is guilty of more than whats written here. Jews worldwide have written their own death warrants by supplying this monster with the finance he needs to act like Adolph Hitler his master and the God of Israel.

    In fact whats ironic about the whole mid east situation is that there are more Israeli's who oppose what their country does than there are Jews abroad who mainly concern themselves with their image as heroes and victims of the holoucast without which they are nothing, who continue to support those 'leaders in Israel' with a thirst for blood of the innocents.

    I was once told that "there could be no one more defeated that one who ends up assuming the character of their enemy". Todays Jews are not like Nazis. They are Nazis. The tragedy here is that they fail to see how hated and revilled they are. So they go to India and try to find and create more Jews.

    The old "Anti Semite" defence has no currency. Neither has the attempt at creating guilt from the "Holoucast" any meaning. So what if 6 million got wiped out? the evidene is that they were lie the Jew you live next door to. Supporter of Apartheid, Supporters of Fascism, perpetrators of evil everywhere. A simplistic line? Try it out.

    No people in this world have a more horrendous record against Humanity than the Kissingers, Feiths, Wolfowiz's,Perle, Begins, Sharons, Hitler (also a Jew), Goldsteins, Eagleburger, Weinberger and god take up another ten pages. Their total number of victims from Viet Nam to Guatemala and Iraq far exceed 10 million if you consider over 5 million in Indonesia alone, 4 million in Viet nam, over 2 million in Iraq, 1 million in Iran, at least 2 million in South America, Cambodia where their handiworkl precipitated the crises and then allowed it to fester, another 3 million. Why can we not publicly chastise these cowards for their murderous deeds?

    Only the Christians imbued with a sense of guilt have the fear of being called Anti Semite.

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