sharon shelves a palestinian state, page-6

  1. 364 Posts.
    "But he revealed that any agreements would be hostage to a vote by a cabinet whose ministers come from parties hostile to a Palestinian state and some of whom advocate ethnic cleansing of Palestinians."

    On the above quote, yes, there are some Isreali cabinet ministers from parties hostile to a palestinian state, but there are many more Israeli MP's who are willing to bend over backwards for peace with the palestinians. How many ministers in arafats government are willing to accept Isreal and ready to renounce violence, to renounce suicide bombers ( to really do so, and not just lip service ) and all the lunatic Islamic groups that have no purpose other than to destroy Israel. Not one of them would, not for real at least. They say what needs to be said to the west when the cameras are rolling and then when no western media about, they are out there calling for the death of every Isreali.

    I have seen in the past Israelis coming out in force and protesting against their government regarding the palestinian situation, yet I have yet to see one palestinian demonstrating against suicide bombers. I wonder why that is so?

    How can peace ever be achieved when palestinian mothers ( i use the term "mothers" losely ) applaud and are most proud when their sons and daughters blow themselves up and deliberately target and kill women and children. They want land for peace. They want something tangible for something intangible.

    I hope the appointment you mentioned earlier is going succesfully for you!!!!
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