sharon wins israel wins & arafat loses Eric you crackpot. What...

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    sharon wins israel wins & arafat loses Eric you crackpot. What exactly did you expect the "usual bunch to say about the election?

    Face the facts.

    The people have voted! Sharons vote increased. The so called "peaceniks" went down.

    The clever ones like yourself, went backwards. Even the leftist vote proportionally speaking in relation to the general turnout, moved to the right.

    The left is waking up that Israel has no one to talk to on the other side, at the moment that is.

    That is the message. You always look for something, behind something, and then again behind something.

    The people don't trust the policies of the left and would prefer to have someone like Sharon run the country.

    They are interested in security. You are interested in AnnaBitching.

    You just can't find it in your heart to make any kind of positive statement regarding Israel what so ever, no matter how little.

    I actually find you one of the most disgusting and pathetic individuals on this forum.

    And just to spite you, Israel will go from strength to strength and you can post away all the tripe you wish, you and your posts are just "AnnaSyphallistic".

    Am Yisrael Chai which means "The Nation of Israel lives"

    Up yours, forever.


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