gogo1 True in some regard , thats why science has a peer review...

  1. 3,012 Posts.
    gogo1 True in some regard , thats why science has a peer review system that is based around trying to disprove a theory.

    You lay out all the information you have gathered to support your theory and your peers to shoot it to bits.

    If it can't be disproven its is accepted as true until it can be disproven.

    Whilst climate science is a very detailed complex area most leaders in this field agree accelerated global warming due to the action of human kind is occuring.

    The over whelming majority of peer reviewed studies agree with this.

    There is relatively few people in this field who have come to an alternate conclusion on the masses of evidence supporting this.

    The ulimate skeptics (other scientists in the field)have been won over and their opinions will not change until they see real evidence that disproves the current accepted theories.

    I hope they are all wrong (I doubt they are ,very much) but the problem is we can not afford to do nothing in the mean time.
    To do so would be a disaster for the human race.

    Unfortunately the only Dogma occuring is on the side of this can't be true , we should wait and see brigade , who are only worried about the bottom line and how it affects their personal wealth.
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