She's coming after you, Christian Porter, page-39

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    Defamation is also unique in the sense that an aggrieved person can rarely, if ever, trulyremedy the hurt, distress, loss and damage they suffer as a result of a defamation by anyaward (or offer) of financial recompense, in the same way that a person suing for manyother causes of action can do. In that way, the remedies available to plaintiffs in defamationare—and will always remain—inadequate. For the sake of justice, any amendment which isto be made to the Uniform Defamation Laws cannot therefore operate to further limitdefamation plaintiffs' access to justice, or the remedies that they are presently able toobtain.In the developing digital age in which we live, the need to ensure proper protections forpersonal reputation is more critical than it has ever been. The ease with which defamatorymatter can be published, and re-published, in the context of social media and online meansthat a person's reputation can be damaged beyond repair almost immediately by amalicious and defamatory publication on social, or other internet based media, far morequickly than was ever previously the case with publications made in the traditional /paper/news media.The proposed reforms unfairly favour the potential defendant to defamation proceedings.In an electronic age, where a publisher can disseminate matter vastly more quickly andwidely, and the consequent damage to an aggrieved person's reputation can be significantand even irreparable, any proposed reforms ought, provide for more adequate recognitionof the historical rights and remedies of the aggrieved person.

    Porters back down vindicates NOTHING. The above cut and paste is a piece that Douglas also has a hand in. It appears that this wanker of a lawyer has a personal gripe against Porter..well that's ok No doubt Porter understands his chances of winning were poor at best. As the above piece advises his reputation has been trashed and is beyond repair. He is Cattle Trucked in other words. Douglas is a complete hypocrite.
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