the thing here mowibble is that i dont think this geo thermal thing is going anywhere.
i dont really even think that they have had their day
i agree with uranium but dont recall any geo thermal stocks going through the roof
it is obviously too expensive and i can not understand why in so many years of promising to drill holes etc, they have always got an excuse on why it is not done
they always raise money to feed themselves but apart from promises, nothing is done
cut the losses on the geo, and sell them and acquire rare earths projects
that is what will see us with rewards
every year i go to their Annual general meeting and am dumbfounded on what is being said
they dress in their suits, looking professional, 2 stone heavier every year and must laugh at us suckers
we just keep donating to their personal bank accounts
i have not seen any thing drilled
where is all the money going
on wages and flights
what a joke
i want to see some real action for my donation
get on with the job fellas and give us some news
i am working myself up to HOTKAT
cannot stand what is going on
sell the geo, buy some decent mineral projects and get on with the JOB
the thing here mowibble is that i dont think this geo thermal...
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