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I don't have the answers and don't put anarchism on any pedestal...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 54
    I don't have the answers and don't put anarchism on any pedestal or suggest it's an ideal system. As I said I am sympathetic to that viewpoint but theres major flaws also.

    It's not esoteric it's a very realistic and pragmatic approach but its development was forcefully discontinued by the "democratic" state. So yes unusual but that doesn't mean wrong, its unusual because it represented a threat.

    Markets allocate scarcity well, maybe an actual free market without a monopoly on land, natural resources or corporations is an option.
    Left and right libertarianism are the same but most so-called libertarians are state capitalists in drag as they support the above but call it a "free" market.
    They look the same as state communists because they are the same in every important respect.

    Yes it would require mainly a change in the way people think, in fact if people change the way they think the whole discussion becomes irrelevant. That change would have to come from the bottom up not the top down, like all positive change.

    So your courts and laws are just there to preserve your right to coerce other people. Your "justice" is the legal preservation of actual injustices; making sure the playing field is not level.

    Your small government is actual big government to maintain your entrenched special privileges. If you assume people are largely equal what else can explain the huge disparity in wealth.

    My wealth isn't from hard work or helping people, I am just not a hypocrite about it.

    Again human nature is not what you think it is, hard to define. You denigrate democratic rule with the name "mob", the alternative is making decisions which can't be challenged.
    For myself I want people to tell me when I cock up, that's how we improve. It's crazy to think that people wouldn't want that just want to be obeyed.

    It's a very alien way of thinking to me.

    You seem to be advocating fascism, I don't think I am smart enough to coerce others to my will.
    Or maybe I am wise enough to know they can organize their own affairs far better than I can.

    It seems to me people want to tell others what to do are by definition the most unfit to actually do so. It's because they have nothing going for themselves that they think they know best for others.

    I am busy with my own interests and just want to cheer others on. I don't want to claim the credit or the profit from their efforts as that's just being a leech, I want them to challenge me on a basis of equality.

    Top down decisions are always worse, the only reason our society functions is because people are naturally independant. There's not two valid points of view here it's a simple question of democratic or totalitarian control.

    The totalitarian argument you espouse is just amazingly weak.

    From the correct opinion favouring democratic control specifics could be developed but there would be a lot of work to do as the field of politics (like finance) is not understood or researched properly at all. Only by bigots looking to support their preconceived ideas.

    Also that would not be one person writing the perfect system but a continuous evolution of our knowledge, a working hypothesis always subject to question and re-evaluation.

    I respect everyone's opinions, I just stand against your "freedom" when "freedom" for you depends on slavery for others. It's crazy I would have to argue the point as its fundamental and incontrovertible.

    Anyway sorry for distracting the thread from SHJ again for me it's a case of hurry up and wait. Not a lot of liquidity in the stock makes the price volatile, I will leave y'all to it again

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