shinnanigans or above board?

  1. 164 Posts.
    I am using the Marketech demo account to trial out trading CFD's.

    I put an order in for 150 or so MBL CFD's @ $68.52 (CFD price 65.589) early on in the day. I noticed the share price at the close was $60.60. I also noticed that the CFD closing price was 68.414/68.586. I couldnt understand why the order was not filled. I can understand the spread but why are the quotes not on either side of the 60.60 price instead of somewhere between 68.41 and 68.58? Am I righ in inferring that orders that should be filled are not? Why would they quote prices around a price point that wasn't around the underyling market price?

    Would a genuine DMA provider still have this problem?

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