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Shooting the breeze on ADO, page-1353

  1. 165 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 242
    Where is the ADO ‘anything’ ....????

    It’s the same ol’, same old!
    Earlier in the year, hearing no good news for ages (after the webinar), getting frustrated, getting the sh!ts, then getting thrown a bone by ADO on May 18th saying “Got some Euro registration approval, and some trials happening in the US/UK”....back to thinking “Oooh ok!! This is good! Something is happening!!”.....then hearing nothing again, getting frustrated getting the sh!ts.....then end of year report comes in, that was lacklustre, but had a couple of tidbits of information to keep us ‘one-eyed ADO supporters’ keen and interested.....

    Now, once again, we are back to nothing, no info, no update, no one knows how many charging cycles we are up to, no one knows how the Eugeni is going. No one knows if the bug(s) are ironed out that Derek spoke about in the webinar?? Is the Eugeni fine to now mass produce?? Has anyone seen confirmation of this?? Hopefully ADO has said “that issue has been sorted” and i have just somehow missed that annoucement.

    Anyway, if the past 6 months (18-24 months) is anything to go by, we are almost due to be thrown another bone of positive sounding information* from ADO HQ

    *positive sounding information that results in nothing in particular.
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