ADO 5.88% 1.8¢ anteotech ltd

Shooting the breeze on ADO, page-89

  1. 29,775 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1453
    I only saw the end part of today's trading and it was somewhat of a shock although I did say
    somewhere - either 12 or 24 cents on some thread.

    Rep from The Smith Family called in with some literature and a personal gift for me.
    He recently took a break and went hiking in Tas. and gave me the most delightfully looking box
    of chocolate from Coal River Farm. It includes White Chocolate and Raspberry, Choc Coated Raspberries
    and Leatherwood Honeycomb.
    From his own pocket and says he likes to occasionally keep in touch with certain donors and
    we have a few in this area.
    He says he loves the laughs I give him so I showed him a text I recently sent to someone suggesting
    a house warming gift of 10 years supply of condoms.
    Kids can be problems at times as neighbours. OK I can be wicked at times.

    We did have a serious chat about floods and children and poverty as well. Some will be doing it so
    frigging tough. Empathy in spades here and inflation won't be helping those on a lower income
    or a pension.

    I might have to live a lot longer now. LOL We have heard the news today from ADO. Not what
    most wanted to hear of course.

    This share price has us looking like a target for a take over all the same. Stay well and safe.
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Mkt cap ! $48.69M
Open High Low Value Volume
1.8¢ 1.8¢ 1.7¢ $9.996K 555.5K

Buyers (Bids)

No. Vol. Price($)
1 80 1.8¢

Sellers (Offers)

Price($) Vol. No.
1.9¢ 1062338 4
View Market Depth
Last trade - 16.10pm 27/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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