short term trading diary___july 16

  1. 2,397 Posts.
    Hi Everyone,

    First up, thumbs up to HC admin for reacting so quickly to members’ wishes for this new forum. The success of this forum now lies in our hands.

    We’ve been fortunate with a couple of green days now. No one should get too excited; patience, prudence and caution are still essential.

    It’s also very encouraging to have regular input from red hearts – I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say “we can’t thank you enough robbbbbbb.” Wise words always welcome.

    There was potential yesterday for our first ‘bitch’ session between roadkillgourmet and a few others regarding BLY. It was a huge relief to see members immediately agreeing to disagree and then move on. Well done guys!

    Once again, I recommend everyone read Highlandlad’s opening posts on the Day Trading forum. At time of posting, Wall Street was about 2.5% higher.

    Monday’s picks are holding up well. It’s probably time to review these to decide if they are still relevant.

    ESI is our first casualty, behaving more like a day trader’s stock. Several posters have recommended letting it retrace further before entering again. Those who were alert could have got in at 0.071 and out at 0.078 and again from about 6.4c to 6.9c. Coalking and KookeBoy are keeping an eye on it.

    The following are the gains/losses so far of stocks discussed. I’m still using opening prices as reference point to gains. I’ll be happy to change it if a better option is recommended.

    Stocks discussed Tuesday 14/07/09

    Stocks discussed Monday 13/07/09


    PS. I will welcome all feedback to my posts, especially those that will help me improve them.
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