Short Term Trading Week Starting: 09 Sep, page-24

  1. 17,419 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 197
    Its interesting as i used to much of this with my 30 minute delayed charting with incredible charts . Now you guys are suffering the technology in the minute marks ?

    Some markets close to catch up or well just for lunch etc .

    Its Aussie owned i think iris it bought some English tech company as well and as far as my charting program its also English based program with things etc etc .

    London Stock Exchange (LSE) Trading HoursThe exchange closes for lunch each day, but only for 2 minutes between 12:00 to 12:02. The London stock market hours are some of the longest in the world – with a total of 8 hours and 28 minutes of trading time. Most other exchanges only open for between 5 and 7 hours.

    Now an algorithm or somke tech stuff has to allow or maybe has not been allowed for a two minute delay so youi need refresh and sends the wires arse whole perhaps because the tech guys does not know the market closes ?

    Maybe design's it but never trades at so has no idea different markets close so one design of a charting program has allow for the market to close .

    Besides trading so close to an algorithm is maybe what they want you to do ?

    Anyway recently like last month or so ive fallen in love with this bull @ammie

    RUFUS .

    He is addictive as a good charting program should be also .

    Can he be everywhere with a charting program if some markets close and some don't during the period the market is open ?

    My thoughts the same program cant do this in all markets seamlessly as much as we would like ?

    We hopefully are going green this weekend as the topic but as so many thing intertwine in connected world even our lips service does not do it under subsidy you i and the general public could only dream of !

    Surely we are being told bull somewhere in what's happening around the world ?

    Data released to this masthead through freedom-of-information laws shows that, of identified makes and models, just three of Australia’s 227 elected federal representatives had chosen fully electric vehicles as their taxpayer-funded transport. All three drove Tesla 3s.

    However, there were some green shoots among other vehicle choices. At least two politicians chose hybrid vehicles, both Toyota Priuses.

    If you wanted read the amount of money they get to have a vehicle why wouldn't they choose what they speel ?

    As part of their remuneration, federal parliamentarians can request a Commonwealth-leased private-plated vehicle (PPV) or an additional electorate allowance of $19,500 a year. House of Representatives members with electorates larger than 300,000 square kilometres can request up to two four-wheel-drives.

    At times i wonder what we are doing being lead with governments at all .

    Anyway i would probably donate to having Refuse destroy an electric vehicle rather than a politicians who do the opposite of what they say !


    Rufus is addictive if you watch a farmer with his herd on the internet .
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