Short Term Trading Week Starting: 15 Jan, page-421

  1. 3,625 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 139
    Some of the shares that I am finding that have really good charts, if you read the HC threads on those stock, the threads will scare you out of buying. Lots of disgruntled share holders , as the sp has usually gone down 75% Sometimes the director has just resigned. There is often a negative event ,but the chart looks very promising for a turn. Anyone got any experience with this? I know I lost a lot of money on one share. And the thread sounded similar to these ones, so even though the chart was positive, and I wrote down a note to myself, to tip it (There was no way I was going to buy it - due to how badly I had been burnt by it. ) Anyway, I didn't even bother tipping it in the end, and it went up 300% in one month. The people dogging the shares on the threads are also sometimes known posters on the STT thread or DT thread (but most often not.)
    Last edited by Lambrae: 19/01/18
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