short term trading week starting -17 feb

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    Weekly Fundamental and Technical Analysis Prospects - Week Starting 18th Feb 2013 (No. 53)

    Here’s this week’s FA and TA List. The newer items first and those carried forward from last week towards back of list (some of the items from last week have a time horizon of more that one week).
    All listed market caps are undiluted (and do not include escrowed shares) (Note: Max time for any entry on list will be 4 weeks after which time it will be removed).

    Important Note: Remember just because it appears on the list does not necessarily mean it will rise in price... it may actually fall or do nothing. So it is critical that you perform detailed research on each stock first and make your own mind up to whether invest or not. I suggest you run a stop-loss at all times when trading/investing. How tight your stops are depends on your threshold to risk and financial pain. Lastly I take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided as I do not have the time to research all the facts that have been provided. Best of Luck.!

    Weekly Fundamental Analysis Prospects

    PYM - Oil/Gas in the US, Short and simple really, have they drilled a 1000 bopd well or not? They have massive gas flare and 20% of the drilling mud coming back was the oil. Just moved to complete the well as too much oil and gas was coming back so they have had to stop drilling. You will have your answer by Friday next week, its a conventional well, no frac fluid flow back to wait for. Other important fact is they are good for cash, Big Mac has just given them a $100 million line of credit.. (Mcap:$28.5m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: kellbys Date: 17/02/2013

    VOR - Mongolian Copper project, Fundamentals drilling at its flagship Mongolian Copper project, drilling started in December and so its been 3months could expect assays soon. Given the phenomenal rise and rise of ICG on a discovery of a Cu Porphyry system I think VOR stands a very good chance of a huge rise if drilling turns up any good results. "Recent assay results, supported by compelling alteration signatures, provides the strongest indication to date that the Khul Morit Project has the potential to host a significant copper porphyry system, and the initial targets identified within this drill programme will target this system. These targets are the result of the extensive audit the Company completed on the Project in recent months.". (Mcap:$18.7m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Strauss Date: 17/02/2013

    PGS - Oil/Gas exploration cooper basin Australia, 917 sq km permit Pel 514, SXY partner in permit Currently processing 3d seismic survey Results due very soon Likely positive well sites will be shown. SXY required to complete 3 wells by Nov 13 to conform with farm in agreement. (Mcap:$10.8m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Malmoe Date: 17/02/2013

    MNY - Providing financial services specializing in the delivery of small cash loans, personal loans, cheque cashing and international money transfer, NY short sell to under 5c from last sale price over 7. Placement then a rights issue spells doom for most shares from my experience. MNY are doing this and in my view will FALL EVEN BELOW THE RIGHTS PRICE let alone the current price .. (Mcap:$39.1m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Firsova Date: 17/02/2013

    CXM - Iron ore junior South Australia, Exciting iron ore junior with off take agreements port approvals joint ventures and expansion through early stage bulk commodity projects. Offers opportunity to clean out the bottom draw and into a franked return. Boutique fund pressure on price possible ? Sneak in entry for 25% by 5c fully franked dividend 13/3/13 and if it does not rise in share price. Proven track record of securing foreign investment third joint venture signed January 2013. Former senior trade commissioner signed to help with marketing and future projects.. (Mcap:$81.5m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Valen1828 Date: 17/02/2013

    TNP - Targeting Coal Mine Methane Gas in Northern China., The acquisition of CFT resulted in Triple Energy having an 80% interest in a Cooperative Joint Venture with LongMay Coal Mining Company, one of China’s largest State owned coal mining companies. The CJV has the objective of degassing the coal mining leases held by LongMay and has a life of 45 years. Estimates provided by CFT indicate that the greater CJV area has multi-Tcf potential. Given the initial estimates of Gas in Place, providing the upcoming drilling campaign is successful in establishing commercial flow rates and gas quality, there is potential for meaningful scale gas production in the near term. There is understood to be an immediate market for any gas that may be produced at a price, of around A$7.00 to A$8.00/mmscf. Drilling is expected to commence in February or March 2013 with each well expected to take around 15-20 days to drill and test. (Mcap:$8.3m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: kellbys Date: 17/02/2013

    SUM - Sumatra copper & gold in Indonesia, Issued final forestry permit from Indonesian Govt. On track to commence mine work this quarter.. (Mcap:$43.7m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: MangroveJack Date: 15/02/2013

    CTP - Oil/Gas and shale explorer , Aust., here are two strong fundamental drivers recently occurring in CTP . Firstly the Surprise well has been confirmed as part of a much larger system . Secondly , major mouthpiece and shareholder Clive Palmer has exited the stock . The market will appreciate both scenarios . Farm outs and other news can come any time with CTP . My medium term target is twenty one cents.. (Mcap:$200.9m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: J8 Date: 15/02/2013

    BML - Platinum, Copper and Nickel Silver in Botswana, The Company operates in two geographical segments: Australia and Africa. Its tenements in Botswana are prospective for Copper nickel PGE, gold and silver. Recent $4 mill investment into BML by local smelter to upgrade resource. Just waiting on extension of exploration tenements Cash at Bank for the December 2012 Quarter $762,000. (Mcap:$4.5m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Woltage Date: 15/02/2013

    TTE - Oil/Gas in Australia and the US, Preparing to drill back to back wells, JT Reese #S1 and JT Reese #S2. Both these wells seem to have great upside and may add towards TTE's growing oil production in the US. TTE currently producing oil at about 100 bopd, at 7 dollars below the brent crude oil price, these wells, if they live up to expectations, will have a big impact on the amount of oil TTE produces, JT R2 alone is expecting to have flow rates of around 250 bopd. IMO these two wells will be the major catalyst for a short term rise of the SP . Another potential catalyst for TTE short term increase is it's plan to drill in the Perth basin, nearology to NWE and AWE. Currently waiting on permits, TTE said it planned on commencing drilling early FEB. So some news about the PB, which may pop up as a nice surprise also, may also effect the short term SP. . (Mcap:$15.8m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Bcsiles Date: 14/02/2013

    WWI - Gold Copper in Indonesia, Very high alluvial and rock chip hits it past history. Native population being treated OK by WWI it seems (some ethical issues have to be researched here). Stock is actually moving up instead of being sold down for once. Major seller may be finished? or at least close. Cheapish market cap... smaller money can still move SP easier Endless holds shares! Seemingly no need for cash raise. Cash due from sale of asset (have come in before... so can be trusted) . (Mcap:$4.6m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: BigShareshead Date: 13/02/2013

    QMN - Copper in Queensland, ck in October QMN went from 3c to as high as 9.4c on some very thick good grade copper intersections at Greenmount 72m's at something like 3%-4% Cu Equiv "Following the successful initial phase of resource definition drilling at Greenmount which reported significant copper, gold and molybdenum mineralisation including, 72m at 2.39% Cu and 0.92g/t Au, 3m at 58g/t Au and 22m at 0.34% Mo and 2.8g/t Re, a further 8 RC holes and 4 diamond holes were
    completed during the Quarter." "Drill samples from the 4 diamond holes have been prepared and despatched for analysis and results are expected to be available in February 2013.". (Mcap:$23.9m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Strauss Date: 13/02/2013

    BAU - Bauxite in Australia, A 20c a share in cash backing + another 2c-3c in assets Has just appointed a new CEO who was the man responsible for bringing SDL back from the brink following that awful awful tragedy when the whole board died has been on my watch list for yonks as its been trading at like a 50%+ discount to cash backing I think this new CEO could spark a turnaround to at least cash backing. (Mcap:$30.6m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Strauss Date: 12/02/2013

    POK - Targeting high grade Potash, Utah state USA., Awaiting the issue of permits from the USA Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) drilling permit approvals process for POK’s subsidiary, K2O Utah, to drill on Federal land. Expected to be issued within the next few weeks! The issuance of the permits will give POK legal control over the land and allow independent geologist Agapito to define POK’s maiden JORC compliant resource. Potash Minerals Limited has earned 90% of the Paradox Basin Potash Project. The Company's focus is on sylvinite, a high grade form of potash ore that is cheaper and more effective to process to a saleable form than any other form of potash ore. An Exploration Target estimated by independent consultants Agapito Associates, Inc. for Potash Beds 13 and 18 of 3.4 to 5.2 billion tonnes of sylvinite at an average grade of 23% to 34% KCl has been delineated within the Project.Cash on hand $1.1 million. (Mcap:$23.1m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: kellbys Date: 11/02/2013

    MAT - Nickel Copper Gold in WA, The grant of their Symonds Hill ground is imminent and once the announcement comes out we'll see a flurry of people seeking to take a position. + Killaloe project ...most people I feel are unaware that MAT also hold a large block of ground which they JV'd from CUL which is adjacent to SIR's Polar Bear ground at Lake Cowan where SIR have now started drilling a number of gold targets. Given the grades and intervals that other explorers have found around Lake Cowan I am sure results are eagerly awaited by a number of HC readers. Remember too that prior to SIR's Nova discovery Polar Bear was regarded by most SIR holders as their project with the best potential for a significant discovery of either gold or nickel + I think most HC readers are also unaware that the junior with one of the largest areas under application close to SGQ's Cambridge prospect is MAT.. (Mcap:$49m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: John435 Date: 11/02/2013

    ICG - Copper Gold Silver explorer in Peru, Company has recently reported a large intersection of grade Gold, sliver and copper from drilling result at depth at its Chanape Prospect in Peru. Company believes it has drilled into the top of a large porphyry deposit which it believed is only 100m deep from the valley floor. Porphyry deposits are usually very large sometimes measuring Km's across and deep as they are believed to be the "reservoir" of lava which used to feed a single or multiple volcano's above it. The mineralisation is open at depth. Company is expecting more assays shortly.. (Mcap:$26.8m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Freehold Date: 11/02/2013

    CLA - Coking Coal in Kyrgyz Republic, The Company maintains its Exploration Target of 501 to 700 million tonnes of coal with significant coking coal potential for the Uzgen Basin Projects. 15 of 16 coal samples from DD12TK003 showed Free Swelling Index (FSI) levels greater than 4.5 (typically assessed as the threshold for coking coal). ? Most samples show FSI in the range of 6.5-8.5 indicating coking coals could be higher quality coking coal. Company is expecting the Tuyuk-Kargasha maiden Coking coal JORC resource before end of Quarter. Deposits near planned rail and Chinese eastern border.. (Mcap:$38.1m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Freehold Date: 11/02/2013

    AZS - Targeting high grade Copper in Mexico., Assay results due this coming week for another 17 drill holes that are at the labs from the high grade copper Promontorio Project, located in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Previous drill results from first 16 holes yielded exceptional high grade copper hits of :-
    o 2.3m @ 21.9% Copper Equivalent (CuEq1), o 4.75m @ 8.8% CuEq
    o 2.5m @ 9.3% CuEq, and o 4.5m @ 11.0% CuEq Promontorio is a high sulphidation epithermal deposit which currently contains a JORC Mineral Resource (Indicated + Inferred) of: 502,000 tonnes @ 4.7% Copper, 2.1 g/t Gold and 99 g/t Silver $1.5 million cash on hand.. (Mcap:$39.1m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: kellbys

    Weekly Technical Analysis Prospects

    ARI - Iron Ore/ Steel in Australia also produced of mining consumable in Lima, Peru and Cilegon, Indonesia, Lovely H&S on the daily from May last year to now A very strong reversal pattern. Broke out yesterday above $1.03 neckline Gap at $1.36. H&S target $1.50 approx. assuming 50c depth. OBV very strong on the daily. (Mcap:$1594.8m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: McKagan© Date: 13/02/2013

    TSE - Provision of operations and maintenance, asset management, project and capital management outsourcing and infrastructure development services;, Daily chart : Bullish candle 13/2 held 15/2 breaking December resistance .Trigs daily indicator broken signal line and touching bias line to positive trend . De trended oscillator bullish movement across bias line. Accumulation distribution showing positive to negative passed bias point Weekly chart : Strong morning star candle reversal from yearly down trend .Accumulation started 3/2 with high volume day 10/2 showing and a bullish reversal and confirming trend even though price still falling on daily chart. Chart has given three morning star patterns from week to strong since October. Twigs on bias line and accumulation distribution reversal confirmed and past bias .and de trended indicators. Monthly :The real challenge to test .Morning star pattern forming and close to gfc reversal and 2002 bull rise to 2007 highs . A late runner from the asx trend reversal of june 2012.Chart still forming for the monthly analysis.. (Mcap:$1040.3m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Valen1828 Date: 17/02/2013

    PEX - Precious, base and specialty metals resources in NSW and WA, and New Zealand., Long term ascending triangle breakout above 43c resistance Closed on the high last week channel depth approximately 35c Gives a profit target of 78c or thereabouts OBV very strong since the initial move last August A very very strong technical setup imo punters. (Mcap:$52.7m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: McKagan© Date: 17/02/2013

    TEG - Oil/Gas in Indonesia and Morocco, A few weeks ago broke up through 2c which was a very significant break out, has been consolidating since this breakout and even though it went as high as 3.2c it was too fast too soon. Here's the 6month chart shows the big run up and the consolidation. and the longer term 4yr monthly chart which shows the significance of the break up through 2c and suggests that technically we may be seeing a repeat of the move in 2010 up to 8c. See chart in Link . (Mcap:$29.9m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Strauss Date: 17/02/2013

    SUM - Sumatra copper & gold in Indonesia, Chart has had nice gentle rise from 0.10 in July to 0.20 today. No volume until recently, larger buyers now stacking buy side. (Mcap:$43.7m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Mangrove Jack Date: 15/02/2013

    RGX - Polymetal explorer with two advanced projects in Peru and another pending DD, Long downtrend appears to be broken , moving average ready to show a return to ten cent levels over the next period . Volume returning and close above nine cents will confirm the new trend. (Mcap:$3.1m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: J8 Date: 15/02/2013

    CSD - Tin explorer turned miner and producer , Aust, Technically getting set for a rise in volume and price . Consolidated well with strong test of ten cents after a rapid rerate . Long and short term averages are meeting the current share price .... confirming that any rise in volume will sustain higher prices . There may be other technical factors in play I am not aware of but I assume the current price may be subject to limited selling pressure .... but the support is right there now in the form of long term averages . Target is 14.5c going by recent spike heights .. (Mcap:$18.3m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: J8 Date: 15/02/2013

    BML - Platinum, Copper and Nickel Silver in Botswana, Share price Looks to have broken out of its falling wedge that has been in place since October 2012. Recently broke to the upper side of this wedge with a slight increase in volume.. (Mcap:$4.5m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Woltage Date: 15/02/2013

    RDM - Silver Lead Zinc in Queensland, A contrarian opinion , I like the look of RDM ( Red metals ) , this was over loved and now in my view it is under loved and I think offers 25% ++ short term upside off the back of today's massive sell down . I am expecting the stock to drop again with shorts active on the open tomorrow and then recover to close green , and am looking for a fundamentals bounce to the half way between Fridays close and today's close ...about 50% up on tonight's close ....not quite as good as LRS up 78% but good enough to get me another top 10 entry .. (Mcap:$34.5m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Firsova Date: 12/02/2013

    RAI - Oil/Gas in West Africa, Broken out of downward trend and a nice bowl has formed. Confirmed breakout now. Buy at these levels for a ST target of 5c with a progressive breakout above 5c leading to a target of 8c. (Mcap:$5.9m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Nihilism Date: 11/02/2013

    ICG - Copper Gold Silver explorer in Peru, Stock has spiked sharply on the news from recent drilling. The stock has retraced quite sharply and should stay in retrace mode for several days as the weaker holders are shaken off the tree. Wait for Seller exhaustion and for the First sign of Support to enter with volume. Caution should be exercised as there have been several false shows of support already and it appears Buy Sell Queue is/has shown signs of manipulation. (Mcap:$26.8m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Freehold Date: 11/02/2013

    CLA - Coking Coal in Kyrgyz Republic, Recent rally on Cap raise news and subsequent retrace. Wait for retrace and sellers to fade before watching for entry of support. Entry on Show of support.. (Mcap:$38.1m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Freehold Date: 11/02/2013

    BLK - Gold in WA, Stock Spiked about 1 week ago on news of Joe Gutnick taking a stake and aggressive gold drill program. Stock has now retraced with reduced volume and is may enter a 2nd leg of a rally shortly. Looks for Show of support for entry however if you miss that then entry on break to new high with volume. (Mcap:$16m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Freehold Date: 11/02/2013

    ANP - Biotech, Share price has been flirting around the .013 and the .014 mark. Lots of accumulation happening at these prices and short term traders using ANP to pip trade. It hit .017 after ISIS, its partner released FDA approval for its drug. This is positive for ANP and it rallied a bit going upto .017. I think the market is waiting for some news from ANP itself about the trial results. If that comes out good, then this is going to fly.
    I have a short term target of .021 which is 50% retracement on the fib. . (Mcap:$20.1m) Click Here for originating post
    Spotted by: Idaybr Date: 11/02/2013


    Links to Previous Weeks Lists

    No.52: Short Term FA & TA Leads (11th Feb - 15th Feb) Click HERE

    No.51: Short Term FA & TA Leads (4th Feb - 8th Feb) Click HERE

    No.50: Short Term FA & TA Leads (29th Jan - 1st Feb) Click HERE

    No.49: Short Term FA & TA Leads (21st - 25th Jan) Click HERE

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