I've had a quick glance over BBX today. I can't understand why...

  1. 3,626 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 164
    I've had a quick glance over BBX today. I can't understand why it's trading at now $100M

    Some odd occurrences happening here.

    Metallurgical test work of bulk surface samples @ 20t a month before any drilling? I understand doing initial met work like they have already done, but seems a bit early on in the piece to be doing 20t a month from soil samples only. Surely getting the drill spinning would be a higher priority.

    The changing of assay methods and coming up with their own method intrigues me too.... As they weren't convinced they were getting the results. Would like to know a metallurgist opinion on that (will follow that up with a friend).

    They're either sitting on something massive, have the information to support that and haven't disclosed it.... or .... it's hot air. Maybe I'm too skeptical after their last event, I'm not sure... But what I do know is, BBX has a long way to fall if all is not as it seems.

    Had other things but can't remember now, long day with minimal sleep
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